Name: Damian
Rating: 10
Comments: Off The hook man...I'm getting those
light tomorrow, always wanted that look
for my wrx. Anybody knows any good
website where I can get those light in
a good price.
Name: Brett
Rating: 10
Comments: I'm a bit biased with this one, I own a silver STI, so how could I nor like it.
Name: Laura
Rating: 9
Comments: Damn this car is nice!!!If this car had phat as mags damn i would love the person who owns it!!Damn look at dat bootie!!! This car is FINE!!!!
Name: Dan
Rating: 8
Comments: Beautiful is what I say. A true dreamy look to a car in many peoples dreams. Is this what it looks like when you dream at night? :) 227 horsepower, all wheel drive; a true rally inspired car.