Name: steve
Rating: 8
Comments: ok
Name: aLx
Rating: 9
Comments: The fire goes around the sun, interesting ^_^
Name: Lynn
Rating: 10
Comments: it look beautiful
Name: shellee
Rating: 5
Comments: Looks good!
Name: mario
Rating: 9
Comments: superchida, "great pic", i like it
Name: justin
Rating: 8
Comments: nice
Name: Rakhaniel
Rating: 7
Comments: I love this pic....well done....
Name: Chris
Rating: 9
Comments: Ooo...I like this, the ring around the planet is
very welll done, it gives at a very realistic effect! Great Job Dan!
Name: Dan
Rating: 8
Comments: I think this one is very pretty, but it was a pain in my rear, and there's a few things I'd like to fix (If I thought I could). btw, the flaw (which was just me being stupid) has to do with the eclipse and the ring of fire...find it? ;)